The development of our faith is never straightforward. Trust leads us to a bright space but we have to walk through dark tunnels. When everything is breaking down, we have to search for the small pieces of our heart which can still be used for something. We have to build our trust in God again and again - said Zoltán Sóskuti in his keynote speech at the Main Stage.
he 2015 Starpoint Reformed Youth Conference could welcome many fresh participants, as well as real “veterans”, who came for the second or third time. One of the members of the international team is in line with the Hungarian rewinders: we talked with Inga Krisiukenaite (23) from Lithuania, who joined us for the third time.
We have many disappointments in life, working like a big STOP sign for us. We have to stop for a minute to see what we have deeply in our souls. But if we disappointed in somebody or something, we don’t turn to God, but everything else especially when we disappointed in God. Today we had a really heavy theme at the morning keynote speech also presented by Zoltán Sóskuti.
In the crowd of more than 2,500 participants at the 2015 Starpoint Reformed Youth Conference one shouldn't be surprised to hear English, French, German or Korean words, as a group of international guests joined the programs. We found a silent bench for a short talk with Duncan Maclean (20) from the USA.
The air conditioning system of the car broke down while driving here. But not only in the car: in the whole world. This is what we, 2,500 people can feel in Tata, giddily in the burning sunshine. Tomorrow will be the hottest day, hotter than today, though today was much hotter than yesterday.
Who would not be happy getting a great car or a house we don’t work and pay for? That would be amazing! But when it happens, after it happens we would be responsible for it. We actually have something we get as a gift. A gift from God. That is our world, our environment and the people among us. Can we make their trust stronger?
On the second afternoon of the 2015 Starpoint Festival the team of international participants experienced the message of the Opening Worship of the Festival. Just like the Disciplines did on the Lake of Galilee, the team boarded a boat, and trusting the boatmen set out to discover the nearby Old Lake.
Sometimes I find myself imagining background music to moments in my life. Just as if I were part of a movie: showing my travel pass in the underground, a determined act of potato peeling or a simple tooth washing, they all receive stronger emphasis when they are accompanied by music in my head.
After spending two days visiting Budapest, the group of international visitors arrived in Tata. They say that the Olympic Sports Centre of Tata, which serves as the venue of Starpoint 2015 was built at this location, because the climate of Tata resembles to that of London the most, home of the 1948 Olympic Games. Luckily, this year it shows the best of weather…
It is only a week before Starpoint begins where Keresztkérdés is going to perform as well. As of this occasion, we have been talking with Dani Kübler, the frontline man and Ildi Nagy, one of the singers, about the band, their aims and plans.
The Starpoint reformed youth festival has been organized for more than a decade now, once in every two years, and it attracts about 3500 young people. Ádám Galambos from the Lutheran Church’s website made an interview with Margit Kiss, coordinator of the Festival and Szabolcs Szontágh, reformed pastor, leader of the Youth Office of RCH.
The countdown has begun: the seventh Starpoint Reformed Youth Festival will start in only six weeks. A press conference on the preparations and the planned events of the Festival was held by the organizers, performers and lecturers on the 10th of June.
For each ‘Starpoint’ therefore it is very decisive who leads these “main lectures”. He or she somehow representsthe given Festival, gives a face to it and stands in person for the message. This time ZoltánSóskuti, pastor of a congregation in the suburbs of Budapest
Szabolcs Szontágh head of the Youth Office of RCH and Margit Tímea Kiss the Starpoint Festival Coordinator had talks about this year’s Starpoint Festival which will take place on 21st - 25th July in Tata, Hungary.
Every second year, young people gather from around the Carpathian Basin and from abroad, to come together in community and to share and discuss the event's theme.
Saturday, 27 July was the end to yet another blessed Starpoint Reformed Youth Festival in Mezőtúr. After a shortened day, everyone gathered at the main stage for a closing worship that included the Lord's Supper.
The venue is set, theme chosen, bands lined up and speakers scheduled. Starpoint is coming! It's hard to imagine that this year's festival in Mezőtúr is only 109 days away, but rest easy, the team has been working around the clock to ensure that this Starpoint will be the best one yet!
The upcoming Starpoint Reformed youth festival will be held in Mezőtúr, Hungary on 23-27 July with a focus on Identity – Who am I? Young adults from all over the world are encouraged to come together, participate and create a community of dialogue, all while enjoying some great music!