What is Starpoint?

Starpoint is a special conference organized for youth by youth. It is held every other year, in a different location each time. At Starpoint more than 3500 young people between the ages of 14 and 35 gather in community to share and discuss the event’s theme.

Brief History

The first festival was held in Bodajk, Hungary, in 2003. Each year since then more and more young people have participated. After Bodajk, the event took place in Debrecen, Sárospatak, Fadd-Dombori, Tata, Mezőtúr--and this year it returns to Tata.

What makes Starpoint unique?

It is special because, in addition to having fun, enjoying high quality cultural and entertainment activities, committed Christians and seekers are able to meet and share their thoughts about the world and their common or differing values and God.     

What is Starpoint’s Message?

Starpoint is a theme based gathering focusing on a central thought that changes each year the event takes place. In 2013 the focus was on Identity, and in 2011 it was about Touches. The theme of Starpoint 2015 is going to be “Trust,” which is a cornerstone in our relationships and in our everyday life: it is important who and what we trust in, why it is hard to trust (disappointments, risks), and how we can trust in our decisions and experiences.

Youth for Youth

The authenticity of Starpoint is that, in contrast with professionally organized festivals, it is organized by youth for youth. To hold a Starpoint festival nearly 600 volunteers give their work, thoughts, ideas, energy and dedication for a two-year planning period. The planning involves organization, administration, logistics, meals, registration, technical support, communication, cultural programs, reporting and public relations – the list is endless. 

Hasonló anyagaink

Main Program Venues = Meeting Points

The programs this year have a different thematic structure from those of the previous years. We considered of importance that the several ages a...

Performers at the main stage

United Before the 2000s the band’s name was ,,Acid Company”. This year it is celebrating its 15th birthday. They had released their ...